Blogs: Other Page: 9 of 20

Asian Handicap +0

Updated: 6873 Other

Asian Handicap +0

The Asian Handicap (AH) is a way to “even up”football matches so that there are two outcomes to bet on, usuallyeach with about the same probability. OLBG has a great article onthe basics of betting with the Asian Handicap.Imagine a

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Finding Edges in a curvy race

Updated: 3360 2 Other

Finding Edges in a curvy race

When I was introduced to sports betting, I was asked to lay a highpriced non-favourite in a football match. The person who introducedme sweared that it has never failed him. If I look back now, it isamazing to see the

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Football Tips - Strategy To Win

Updated: 7388 2 Other

Football Tips - Strategy To Win

Football Tips - Strategy To WinThis blog is the second in a range of blogs covering the wide andvaried area of FootballTips, covering the top football markets, football tippingstrategy, discussing if you can make a profit from football tippingand many

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Updated: 1933 Other


CHARGE !Picture the scenario, you are an outlaw making your last stand thecavalry is flying over the hill and hurtling towards you, the pulseis racing and it is game on. There are two options, you have tostand and fight and

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Sports Stats - They Tell it Like a Politician

Updated: 1783 3 Other

Sports Stats - They Tell it Like a Politician

"Thereare Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics" - MarkTwainStatistics, used for sports and sports betting, have their ferventsupporters and their equally fervent detractors. This isn't aimedat either camp, but merely addresses sports statistics in general,what they might mean, when to avoid

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Updated: 2725 4 Other


PLAINLY MAD.The other morning while getting ready for the trek south as Isipped on the all-important first coffee of the day and flickingthrough suggested shows on TiVo, I stumbled upon show. The show wasFOUR ROOMS which I will watch now

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Bookmaker Masterclass

Updated: 2965 Other

Bookmaker Masterclass

No matter how long you've been betting, or even how successful youare, you may have at some point wondered how the bookmaker does it? How dothey come up with the betting and how do they try to ensure aprofit? I'm

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THE 2+2.

Updated: 3557 Other

THE 2+2.

“PURE MATHEMATICS IS , IN ITS WAY THE POETRY OF LOGICAL IDEAS”Albert Einstein.GREED.You cannot escape it at the moment , everywhere you look , everyarticle you read everybody is simply too fat , we are in the middleof an obesity

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