Blogs: Other
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Confirmation Bias - Rules Of Thumb
Hopefully this is entirely unnecessary but let me start out by saying I am not advocating murder; the darlings referred to in what I say next are a metaphor for pet theories.
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Don't force the bet - some thoughts about Multiples, Yankees and Lucky 15s
OLBG is the Great Barrier Reef of betting forums, rich with diverseand interesting sports fans and punters who ebb and flow with theendless daily tide of betting markets, seeking to gain an edge onthe bookmakers.Don't force them.A common topic currently
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Confirmation Bias - Why You Are Your Own Worst Enemy
People who bet on any sport, have something incommon; they think they know something about the horses/footballteams/greyhounds etc that the bookmakers don't and that the oddsare wrong. They must think this because we know that bookmakers arenot charities, and they
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Betting Traps - Sunk Cost Fallacy
A friend of mine was telling me the other dayabout his car; it used to be a reasonably good one, but it isstarting to get a bit old. He had a choice between spending quite asubstantial amount to get his
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Betting Traps - Social Proof
Imagine you have agreed to take part in anexperiment; you are sitting in a room and are about to answer whatseems like a really easy question. The researcher has shown you onecard with a line on it, and then another
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Unreasonable reasoning - Non-scientific, irrational betting angles
Over the years I have come across many logical and not sological reasons to back a certain outcome of a sports event and tobe honest, I never take anything lightly as you never know whereone could find wisdom. However, I
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BETTER THAN BUG SPRAY.In the years leading up to the millennium, New Year's eve wasextreme on the pub and club circuit, with national chains and thelocals doing an absolute storm of trade, with the year 2000approaching all the talk was
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ADDICTED TO CONSUMPTION.With the Christmas period now drawing to a close, the sales are nowin full swing with people knocking each other over to get theirhands on a massively reduced kettle. I was fortunate enough to bereading an article this
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The Value of Historical Results
Historical results in different sports have different value.In tennis or snooker for example, where there is just one playeragainst another then yes history is very important (but even thenthere are other factors to consider). But in team sports there areso
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£700 for a television ?
"THE FACT THAT AN OPINION HAS BEEN WIDELY HELD IS NO EVIDENCEWHATEVER THAT IT IS NOT UTTERLY ABSURD." Bertrand RussellPhilosopher and Mathematician.I sat at the bar next to Andy one of my oldest friends , I hadplayed a blinder I
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