Blogs: Other

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Know Your Enemy

Know Your Enemy

This is the second in a short series of blogs inwhich I plan to outline my broad strategy for betting. In thisinstalment I will be looking at the lay side of the bet and will befocusing mostly on bookmakers; although
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My Betting Philosophy

My Betting Philosophy

I have now written a couple of blogs aboutdifferent aspects of betting, but I haven't really outlined myoverall betting philosophy. In the past I have made contributionsto various forums and I do run the risk of repeating myself here,but I
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Creating a Value Betting System for English Football

Creating a Value Betting System for English Football

This article explains how I have used some widely availablefootball ratings to devise a betting system for value betting onEnglish FootballI have long been an advocate of the thinking that there is littlevalue in betting on English football given the
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GB and the Winter Olympics

GB and the Winter Olympics

Team Great Britain don't have the best of records in the Winter Olympics as we are not really regarded as a set of winternations .In Total team GB have competed in 24 Winter Olympics and we have won a total of 34 medals.
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Derby Matches - Where is the Value?

Derby Matches - Where is the Value?

Derby days are one of the most cherished days on the footballing calendar - games filled with passion, and big goals - Memories are formed that are passed on from generation to generation and become legendary in time.
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Find a Yeti in the Trading Market

Find a Yeti in the Trading Market

A bit like the Holy Grail or the Yeti , I have not the slightestidea where it is - but it must be out there somewhere. What must :?The thin line between trading and ' covering bets ' or '
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Tissue Pricing, Part 2 - Why Create a Betting Tissue?

Tissue Pricing, Part 2 - Why Create a Betting Tissue?

In my first post on this subject......HERE......I described what an odds tissue is. Gradually I want to getreaders forming their own tissues but before that I think it'sworth pointing out why we should do this.A standard traditional approach to betting
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Martingale Betting System

Martingale Betting System

The Martingale staking system is both one of the most beratedbetting systems in the betting world and quite possibly one of themost frequently used.I have time and time again seen posts in various places on theinternet as to the credibility
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The Law Of Large Numbers and the Law Of Averages

The Law Of Large Numbers and the Law Of Averages

Everyone is familiar with the Law Of Averages and most with theproblems incorrect application can cause. However , less arefamiliar with the Law Of Large Numbers.For those fully conversant with the rightsand wrongs of the Law Of Averages , feel
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Coming up with a strategy on the goal scorers market

Coming up with a strategy on the goal scorers market

In recent weeks, I endeavored on a quest to see if I can getsome sort of logic behind goal scorers as this market has alwaysbeen very intriguing with its solid odds, but understandably it isalso extremely difficult to create some
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