Swedish General Election Betting (Odds,Contenders,History)

Updated: 226 Politics & Current Affairs

The General Election in Sweden will elect 349 members to the Riksdag. A range of political parties from left and right will be competing for seats. They will then elect the Prime Minister of Sweden.

Swedish General Election Betting (Odds,Contenders,History)
Nigel Skinner Blog Content Manager

Football Manager Expert and Political Betting Specialist across Exchange and Spread Betting Sites

General Election Betting In Sweden

The best betting sites will have Swedish General Election Odds as will the betting exchanges. 

Swedish Parliament

Swedish Parliament Building
     Image: Christian Gidlöf

As you can see by the current betting the Social Democrats are likely to again be the biggest party. 

Political Party Betting Exchange Odds
Social Democrats 1.04
Moderate 10
Sweden Democrats 10.5

Betting on The Sweden General Election

Betting on the Sweden General Election  is placing a wager on your own prediction of who will be nominated the winner from the list of parties

Sweden General Election Betting Markets

The betting sites will offer odds on the outcome of the election. 

How to bet on the Swedish General Election

There is a simple 5 step process to making a bet on the election

  1. Find an online betting site offering odds and bets on the Sweden Election
  2. Find the party or candidate you are most interested in wagering on
  3. Make that selection and add them to your bet slip
  4. Select the stake you wish to wager
  5. Confirm

That's it, you are done, your wager is on, and now all you have to do is wait until the 11th of September 2022 to discover the winner  

If you make the right selection, you win, if your prediction is incorrect you will lose the stake you have wagered just as with any normal bet. 

Swedish General Election

2018 Sweden General Election Results

Political Party Percentage Seats Won
Social Democratic Party 28.26% 100
Moderate Party 19.84% 70
Sweden Democrats 17.53% 62
Centre Party 8.61% 31
Left Party 8% 28
Christian Democrats 6.32% 22
Liberals 5.49% 20
Green Party 4.41% 16

Swedish Parliament Chamber

Image: Janwikifoto

Sweden Political Parties

Social Democrats - S/SAP

The oldest political party in Sweden has seen its share of the vote gradually decline since a high of around 50% in the 1960s. 

Magdalena Andersson their leader is the current Prime Minister of the country, the first woman to hold the post. 

Moderate Party - M

The Moderates are the main opposition in Sweden. 

The party supports free markets and personal freedom similar to the Conservatives in the UK. 

Ulf Kristersson has led the moderates since 2017. 

Sweden Democrats - SD

A right-wing nationalist and populist party led by Jimmie Akesson. 

In the 2018 Swedish election, they won 62 seats with 17.5% of the vote, this made them the third biggest party in the country. 

The Centre Party - C

Holder of 31 seats they have grown in recent elections, Pro Europe 

They are led by Annie Loof.

Left Party - V

A socialist party that has been historically anti-EU.

They have stayed steady in recent elections, in 2018 they won 28 seats. 

Christian Democrat - KD

A centre-right party that in recent years has seen its votes fall from a high of 42 down to 22 in 2018.

Senior citizens and families have historically be the mainstay of the Christian Democrats. 

Liberal - L

The most Pro Europe of all parties, like many in Sweden it has moved right after seeing its supporters jump ship, it has tried to take advantage of the current mood in the country 

Its current leader is Johan Person. 

Green - MP

The smallest of the Swedish political parties, it lost ground at the 2018 election. 

It cooperates with other parties who both see an advantage in having the greens at the table.

They have a young demographic of supporters a common theme among green parties across Europe.

They are led by Per Bolund

Swedish Politics

Proportional representation in Sweden means that whatever share of the vote you win will result in that number of seats (50% of votes should win around 50% of the seats). 

This can mean that minority governments are the norm for Sweden, and all parties need to form alliances with others. 

Currently, as of 2022, there are two loose groupings of the Social Democrats, Left Party and the Green Party on the left, and on the centre/right The Moderates, Centre Party, Christian Democrats, and Liberals. 

Swedish Prime Minister

The Social Democrats as the biggest party have regularly supplied the PM since the 1990s. 

Sweden Prime Minister In Office Party
Ingvar Carlsson 1994-1996 Social Democrats
Goran Persson 1996-2006 Social Democrats
Frank Reinfeldt 2006-2014 Moderate
Stefan Lofven 2004-2021 Social Democrats
Magdalena Andersson 2021-Present Day Social Democrats

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