Blogs: American Football
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American Football - More Than Just The Basics (Offense)
Welcome to the second in a series of blogs aimed with helping casual or new fans of American Football and the NFL to build their knowledge and have a better understanding of the game.
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American Football - More Than Just The Basics
Many people have a casual understanding of American Football and the NFL. They know the basics and can follow a game and get an idea of what is happening. However, if you are someone who has only just discovered the game this blog is for you.
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A Guide To The NFL Off-Season
The Super Bowl comes around very quickly but a football won't bet thrown or kicked in anger until pre-season, but the NFL is now a year round business with so much to keep an eye on.
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Does Defense really win Championships?
With the NFL playoffs just around the corner, I wanted to look at aphrase that we hear used countless times by commentators during theseason. ‘Defense win Championships' is reeled off for fun whenevera team with a strong defense overpowers one
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My New York Jets Wembley Experience
I was lucky enough to go to the International Series game in 2009when the New England Patriots played the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. As afan of neither team, it was disappointing to see the game become ablowout quickly and as it
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NFL: International Series Trends
The International Series takes centre stage once a year in the NFL as cities around the world host a regular-season game. The countries participating are expanding, and most NFL owners are keen to widen their reach.
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