Blogs: Other Page: 17 of 20

Introduction To Laying - The next stage

Updated: 4239 Other

Introduction To Laying - The next stage

The Next StageYou know the feeling , Santa forgot to leave batteries with yournew toy or a flat pack arrived without instructions.Over the last 3 BLOGS it is hoped that you have become familiarwith the basic concept of laying.That being

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Introduction to Laying - part 3

Updated: 2565 Other

Introduction to Laying - part 3

Introduction to laying - Part 3This is longer than intended but I could find no sensible place tosplit it.One market I venture into every season with reasonable success isthe Premiership Relegation market. This may be a season longinvestment if bets

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Recovery Staking To A Target Plan

Updated: 14945 2 Other

Recovery Staking To A Target Plan

I could have titled this blog "Chasing Your Losses", because basically that is the aim in a recovery staking plan. But "chasing your losses" has negative connotations and is generally considered the quickest path to gambler's ruin.There is a big difference between a

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Introduction to Laying - part 2

Updated: 2639 Other

Introduction to Laying - part 2

Introduction to laying part 2Having hopefully grasped the basics of what laying involves , it istime to consider how best to put that information to work. However, as I mentioned in the first article , laying is a personal thingand

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Introduction to Laying

Updated: 3511 1 Other

Introduction to Laying

An Introduction To LayingSTOP ! Before progressing further....The OLBG Betting School has an article on what is meant by the term‘ laying ‘ , and covers some basic concepts with regard to theexchanges. a complete novice to laying , it

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Take The Stress Out Of Losing

Updated: 1830 2 Other

Take The Stress Out Of Losing

Backing losers is the one certainty in betting. Sometimes backinglosers is all we seem able to do, and loser after loser can have usdoubting our selection methods, no matter how much research andtesting we have done, and no matter how

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