Nuclear Attack Specials: 33/1 odds now given that there WILL be a Nuclear Weapon launched at another country before 2025!

Updated: 520 Politics & Current Affairs

Bookmakers make it 33/1 that there will be a Nuclear Attack before 2025 with conflicts starting to ramp up more and more in recent months with parts of the world at war.

Nuclear Attack Specials: 33/1 odds now given that there WILL be a Nuclear Weapon launched at another country before 2025!
Nigel Skinner Blog Content Manager

Football Manager Expert and Political Betting Specialist across Exchange and Spread Betting Sites

  • 33/1 odds are offered on a Nuclear Attack happening at some point before 2025 with bookies giving specials around Nuclear Weapons
  • Russia and North Korea both joint favourites to be the first to fire a Nuclear Weapon
  • WW3 talk constantly brought up in the news in recent weeks with Russia/Ukraine war ongoing

33/1 odds are offered on a Nuclear Attack happening at some point before 2025 with bookies giving specials around Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear warfare is getting more and more of a realistic possibility with various reports stating that countries are turning to nuclear weapons as their next form of aggressive action.

Bookmakers are offering odds on a nuclear attack happening before the end of this year with the latest betting odds currently at 33/1 that we see it happen by 2025.

Yulia Navalnaya, widow of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, has said in the past week that  "He probably would do it," in regards to Vladimir Putin using nuclear weapons.

Putin had said in a statement back in March that he is "ready" to use nuclear weapons should Russia face any sort of dangers from other countries when it comes to a potential attack.

What the expert says...

Bookies now say there's a 33/1 chance that there is a Nuclear Attack at some point by 2025 with both Russia and North Korea hinting that their nuclear weapons are ready to fire from whenever.

Nigel Skinner - Current Affairs Expert -

Russia and North Korea both joint favourites to be the first to fire a Nuclear Weapon

It's no surprise to see both Russia and North Korea as the joint favourites in the betting odds to be the first country to fire Nuclear weapons.

Both countries have leaders that have hinted towards nuclear weaponry being used with Kim Jong Un reportedly overseeing North Korea's latest missile test on Monday.

The Haekbangashoe system is North Korea's counterattack nuclear trigger and four vehicles launched attacks earlier this week according to the US Naval Institute.

First Country to fire a Nuclear WeaponOddsProbability
North Korea6/545.5%
United States20/14.8%
United Kingdom33/12.9%

WW3 talk constantly brought up in the news in recent weeks with Russia/Ukraine war ongoing

Iran's latest "retaliatory" attack on Israel earlier this month has left the question asked of "are we on the brink of a third World War?" with conflicts ongoing around the world.

Ukraine and Russia have been in a war now for 791 days with Russia launching a full-scale invasion on Ukraine back in February 2022 following year's of heightened tensions between the two countries.

World War 3 cannot officially be declared as of now but with more conflict happening including the Israel/Hamas war and China and Taiwan expected to be at war we may see a full World War happen.

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